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XXXX introduce drv_sectohz

 132 /* status reg3 */
 133 #define WP_SR3          0x40    /* write protected */
 134 #define T0_SR3          0x10    /* track zero */
 136 /* DOR - Digital Output register - 82077 only */
 137 #define EJECT           0x80    /* eject diskette - was in Auxio */
 138 #define EJECT_DMA       0x20    /* eject diskette - on DMA platform */
 139 #define MOTEN(unit)     (unit ? 0x30 : 0x10)    /* motor enable bit */
 140 #define DMAGATE         0x8     /* must be high to enable interrupts */
 141 #define RESET           0x4     /* reset bit */
 142 #define DRVSEL          0x1     /* drive select */
 144 /* DIR - Digital Input register - 82077 only */
 145 #define DSKCHG  0x80            /* diskette was changed - was in Auxio */
 147 #define DRV_MASK        0x03    /* drive mask for the second command byte */
 149 #ifndef _ASM
 150 #define Moton_delay     (drv_usectohz(750000))          /* motor on delay */
 151                                                         /* 0.75 seconds */
 152 #define Motoff_delay    (6 * drv_usectohz(1000000))     /* motor off delay */
 153                                                         /* 6 seconds */
 155 /* Macros to set and retrieve data from the controller registers */
 156 #define Msr(fdc)        ddi_get8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, \
 157                                         ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_control))
 158 #define Dsr(fdc, val)   ddi_put8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, \
 159                                         ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_control),\
 160                                         ((uint8_t)val))
 161 #define Dir(fdc)        ddi_get8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, \
 162                                         ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_dir))
 163 #define Fifo(fdc)       ddi_get8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, \
 164                                         ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_fifo))
 165 #define Set_Fifo(fdc, val) ddi_put8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, \
 166                                         ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_fifo), \
 167                                         ((uint8_t)val))
 168 #define Dor(fdc)        ddi_get8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_dor))
 169 #define Set_dor(fdc, val, flag) \
 170         { if (flag) \
 171                 ddi_put8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_dor), \
 172                         ((uint8_t)(Dor(fdc) | (val)))); \

 132 /* status reg3 */
 133 #define WP_SR3          0x40    /* write protected */
 134 #define T0_SR3          0x10    /* track zero */
 136 /* DOR - Digital Output register - 82077 only */
 137 #define EJECT           0x80    /* eject diskette - was in Auxio */
 138 #define EJECT_DMA       0x20    /* eject diskette - on DMA platform */
 139 #define MOTEN(unit)     (unit ? 0x30 : 0x10)    /* motor enable bit */
 140 #define DMAGATE         0x8     /* must be high to enable interrupts */
 141 #define RESET           0x4     /* reset bit */
 142 #define DRVSEL          0x1     /* drive select */
 144 /* DIR - Digital Input register - 82077 only */
 145 #define DSKCHG  0x80            /* diskette was changed - was in Auxio */
 147 #define DRV_MASK        0x03    /* drive mask for the second command byte */
 149 #ifndef _ASM
 150 #define Moton_delay     (drv_usectohz(750000))          /* motor on delay */
 151                                                         /* 0.75 seconds */
 152 #define Motoff_delay    drv_sectohz(6)          /* motor off delay */
 153                                                         /* 6 seconds */
 155 /* Macros to set and retrieve data from the controller registers */
 156 #define Msr(fdc)        ddi_get8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, \
 157                                         ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_control))
 158 #define Dsr(fdc, val)   ddi_put8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, \
 159                                         ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_control),\
 160                                         ((uint8_t)val))
 161 #define Dir(fdc)        ddi_get8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, \
 162                                         ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_dir))
 163 #define Fifo(fdc)       ddi_get8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, \
 164                                         ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_fifo))
 165 #define Set_Fifo(fdc, val) ddi_put8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, \
 166                                         ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_fifo), \
 167                                         ((uint8_t)val))
 168 #define Dor(fdc)        ddi_get8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_dor))
 169 #define Set_dor(fdc, val, flag) \
 170         { if (flag) \
 171                 ddi_put8(fdc->c_handlep_cont, ((uint8_t *)fdc->c_dor), \
 172                         ((uint8_t)(Dor(fdc) | (val)))); \